大家好,我叫Helena. 我来自德国Johanna-Wittum-Schule。我代表我校全体成员,对南外仙林分校20周年表示诚挚的祝福。我祝愿贵校越办越好,取得更大的成功。我们要感谢你们在过去 10 年中与我们在德国以及中国共同度过的所有美好时光。希望今后能有更多令人兴奋的教育交流。此外,我们还要感谢你们在疫情期间给我们在病毒防护口罩方面提供的巨大帮助。在那段艰难的时期,你们帮了我们大忙。祝福南外仙林分校20 周年快乐!Hello Everyone, my name is Helena, I’m a student from JWS in Germany. On behalf of whole JW school, I would like to express heart full congratulations to NFLSXL on its 20th anniversary. I wish you continuous growth and success for the future. We want to thank you for all the great moments we had together in Germany and in China during the past 10 years. Hopefully there will be many more exciting and educating exchanges in the future. Furthermore, we want to thank you for your huge help with the virus protection masks during the Covid-19 Pandemic. It was a massive help for us during the tough time. Wishing a happy 20th anniversary to NFLSXL.