Week 4 Schedule (Mar.10-Mar.16)
工作重点 Key Work | 1. 第16届国高外语节展示类活动 Dislplay Activity for the 16th IHS Foreign Language 2. “常规管理、养成教育”系列活动 Activity for Routine Management & Formative Education |
星期日 Sunday 3.10 | 学生正常晚自习Evening class as usual |
星期一 Monday 3.11 | 1. 学校党总支部委员会(9:30-10:30 学校剧场全体党员) Conference for General Party Branch Committee 2. 文明礼仪养成教育倡议书(学生会) Student Union Activity for Civilized Etiquette 3. 文明监督岗(日通报)Civilization Supervision Daily Post |
星期二 Tuesday 3.12 | 拓展性选修课正常上课 Expansive Elective Courses as usual |
星期三 Wednesday 3.13 | 1. 中澳10年级组例会(8:40-9:20) Regular meeting for UFS10 2. 拓展性选修课正常上课 Expansive Elective Courses as usual |
星期四 Thursday 3.14 | 1. History公开课(Lorenzo,SA12B-Room205,第3节9:30-10:10,主题:The outbreak of World War 1 in Europe) History Opening Class(Lorenzo, SA12B-Room205, 3th period 9:30-10:10, Topic: The outbreak of World War 1 in Europe) 2. 中德项目组例会(15:50-16:50 524)Regular meeting for Sino-German Program 3. 拓展性选修课正常上课 Expansive Elective Courses as usual |
星期五 Friday 3.15 | 1. 行政干部例会(8:40-10:00 国高会议室) Meeting for Administrators 2. 教职工例会(10:20-11:30 国高门厅)Staff Meeting |
第5周 工作预报 Work Preparation the 5th week |
国际高中 International High School